Refund and Cancellation Policy

This Refund and Cancellation Policy outlines the terms and conditions for refunds and cancellations related to services provided by Enginify. By using our services, you agree to adhere to these policies.

1. Cancellation Policy

1.1. Service Credits and Wallet Balance

You have the flexibility to stop using our services at any time if you have loaded your wallet with credits to utilize our APIs. Please note that any remaining balance in your wallet is non-refundable. However, you can continue to use your remaining credits until they are exhausted. To discontinue use, simply stop utilizing our services.

1.2. First-Time Setup Charges

First-time setup charges are one-time fees applicable at the commencement of service usage. These charges are non-refundable once the setup process has been initiated.

2. Refund Policy

2.1. Eligibility for Refund

We offer refunds within a specified period for the following cases:

  • Technical Issues: If significant technical issues or compatibility problems prevent the proper functioning of our services and our support team cannot resolve the problem within a reasonable time frame.
  • Dissatisfaction: If you are dissatisfied with the features or performance of our services and have communicated your concerns to our support team, providing constructive feedback.

2.2. Refund Process

To request a refund, please follow these steps:

  • Contact Customer Support: Submit a refund request to our customer support team, including relevant details such as the order number, date of order, and reason for the refund.
  • Evaluation: Our support team will evaluate your request based on the eligibility criteria mentioned in Section 2.1.
  • Refund Decision: If your request meets the eligibility criteria, we will initiate the refund process within 10 to 15 business days. The refund will be issued using the original payment method. Please note that it may take additional time for the refund to appear on your account statement, depending on your financial institution.
  • Service Deactivation: Upon approval of the refund, you must discontinue use of the refunded service. Continued use may result in legal consequences.


The following situations are not eligible for refunds:

  • Change of Mind: If you decide not to continue using our services but they are functioning as intended without any technical issues.
  • Third-Party Products/Services: Refunds are not available for products or services provided by third-party vendors, even if they are sold through our platform. Please refer to their respective refund policies.

Policy Updates

This Refund and Cancellation Policy may be updated from time to time without prior notice. The most recent version will be posted on our website, and the changes will become effective upon posting.

Please note that this policy applies only to purchases made directly from Enginify. If you acquired our services through a third-party retailer or distributor, please refer to their respective refund and cancellation policies.

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact our customer support team at email: